- Some cooking apparatus… maybe a skillet.
- Sleeping bag
- Hot sauce!!
Hello! Welcome to the Bb* conversation series – seven questions with each of our team members, giving you a greater insight in to the florists behind your flowers!
We are thrilled to introduce you to our new Studio Manager, Riana! Riana has a social work background as well as being an exceptional florist, which is an incredible find for us. We have long been looking for a talented florist who shares our vision and values and also has the skills to lead our team, and we feel very fortunate to have her at the helm.
What would you say is making you feel positive these days?
I have been feeling really positive these days about the exciting things growing at Bb*. Also, spending time with my beautiful big dog always cheers me up!
What is the first thing you thought about this morning?
I can’t lie… work!!
Who is the living woman you admire the most?
My mum, I am inspired every day by her perspective on life, her ability to see the good in everyone and her resilience through life’s difficult moments.
If you were stranded on a desert island what three things would you bring?
What’s the first thing on your to-do list?
There is a lot on the to-do list, but I’ll start with my rain, hail or shine daily to-do: coffee.
If you could give any piece of advice, what would it be?
Do what you love and love what you do. Also, don’t take yourself too seriously!
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
– To be able to successfully grow all of my own fruit/veggies/flowers in a little garden
– To help Jane grow the Beautiful Bunch into our shared vision, and see the trainees reach their dreams
– A serum is invented to stop dogs from ageing.
Thank you so much, Riana!