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Bb* is a floral-delivery service bringing joy through flowers, and creating jobs for women from refugee backgrounds.
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About Bb*
The Beautiful Bunch is the only Victorian not-for-profit (registered charity) working specifically with young women from refugee backgrounds who are experiencing barriers to employment. The work we do is crucial. Being young, female, and from a refugee background means that this group faces some of the most significant challenges to entering the workforce.
The women we work with are over represented among the unemployed and underemployed, and they face significantly greater barriers to finding employment than their male counterparts. The Beautiful Bunch provides a safe, welcoming, supportive and gender-informed work and training environment for young women from refugee backgrounds to work and learn.
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Flowers that feel good twice
When you order flowers from us, you not only receive a Beautiful Bunch of blooms, your purchase directly funds the work that we do. Our flower-loving community are our biggest supporters! It is you who enables us to provide vital, life-changing training and employment opportunities to young women entering the workforce for the first time.
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